Coca de sardinas

Coca de sardinas

  • Flour, 300 gr. with leaven.
  • Olive oil, 9 tablespoons.
  • Water, 1 warm glass.
  • Sardines, 12
  • Paprika, 2 tablespoons.
  • Onion, 5 teeth.
  • Parsley, abundant chopped.
  • Salt to taste.
In a bowl, mix the flour with 4 tablespoons of oil, water and a pinch of salt. Knead until the mixture is compact and let stand covered in a warm place for at least half an hour.

While we clean the sardines by removing the heads and guts and the central spine, we open them in half and reserve them. Once the dough is at its point, spread it on a floured dish, place the sardines in a fan shape and season them. Chop the garlic and parsley and spread it over the sardines, sprinkle the paprika and finish watering with the remaining oil.

We introduce it in the preheated oven at medium-low temperature about 40 minutes.

Coca de mollitas

Coca de mollitas

For the coca:

One and a half cups of olive oil.
One and a half cups of white wine
A pinch of salt.
A teaspoon of baking
Two glasses of flour.

For the “mollitas”:

A third of a cup of olive oil and a teaspoon of white wine.
A glass of flour.

Step 1: Follow the steps to make the coca: The mass of the base should be as thin as possible since it should be crunchy, to support the top crumbs that are more dense, and it is the contrast that gives grace to this cake.

Step 2: With the ingredients for the mollitas a soft dough is made with which they will make the mollitas that will go over the coca giving it that characteristic aspect as they are loose and hollow.

Variants / Tricks / Secrets:

– The popular coca de Mollitas is a recipe surprising for its simplicity and unexpected texture based on very few ingredients.

– It is part of the most popular tradition in Alicante and is made for such typical excursions as the pilgrimage from Alicante to the Santa Faz, the bonfires of San Juan, etc.

Paella Valenciana

Paella Valenciana

  • 400 gr. of rabbit.
  • 400 gr. of chicken.
  • 250 gr. of green beans.
  • 150 gr. of tavella.
  • 150 gr. of carob.
  • 1 ripe tomato
  • 500 gr. of rice.
In a paella to the fire we throw the oil and once hot we put the chopped meat, we fry it well and we add the green beans, the carob and the tavella. We continue with the sofrito about eight minutes and we toss the grated tomato. Move a little and add the rice, paprika, saffron and water. When boiling, adjust salt.

Coca Farcida

Coca Farcida

  • 1 kg. Of flour.
  • 1/2 l. of oil.
  • 1/2 Kg. Onions.
  • 1/2 Kg. Ripe tomatoes.
  • 125 gr. Salted tuna trunk.
  • 250 gr. green peas.
  • 1 hard egg
  • 20 gr. Salt.
  • Baking soda.
  • Oil.
Mix flour, salt and baking soda in a bowl. Blanch with hot oil. If the dough is dry, add boiling water. To prepare the ratatouille, fry the onions, the tomatoes and add the peas and the shredded tuna. The tuna trunk is previously desalinated for three hours by changing the water. When everything is fried add a hard egg cut into small pieces. Spread a layer of dough on the previously oiled baking tray. Place the ratatouille on it and cover with another layer of dough. Bake until golden.

Baked rice

Baked rice

For 4 people

  • 1.5 liters of cooked broth
  • 200 gr. of chopped pork rib
  • 500 gr. of rice
  • 250 gr of cooked chickpeas.
  • 2 ripe tomatoes split
  • 3 sliced potatoes
  • 4 onion black puddings
  • 100 gr. of pork bacon
  • 1 head of garlic
  • Saffron or yellow food coloring
  • Salt
Put the oven in motion, so that it warms up.
In the clay pot, over the fire in the kitchen, sauté the garlic head, the ribs and the bacon.
Once browned, add the rice and chickpeas, which will also be lightly browned.
Finally add the potatoes, cut into thick slices, and blood sausages. Fry.
Add the boiled, boiling broth, and the saffron or the coloring.
Put the casserole in the oven and lower the oven temperature to 180-200 degrees.
Leave to cook for 40 minutes
Once cooked, remove the casserole from the oven and let the plate rest for 5 minutes.

Coca amb tomata

Coca amb tomata

  • 1.5 kg. of wheat flour.
  • 1 kg. of tomatoes.
  • 1/2 kg. of peppers.
  • 12 cloves of garlic
  • 1 dl. Of olive oil.
  • Salt.
Put the flour in a bowl, with salt, running water, while kneading is added oil, while kneading. It is left to rest. The tomato is scratched and the pepper is cut into very small pieces.

In a frying pan with olive oil, the tomatoes and peppers are fried and finally the garlic cut into slices is added.

On a rim with high edges, the cakes are formed, one centimeter thick and the frying is poured on them. They put the oven in an hour.

Before the women took the cakes to the bread oven. This action was called “go to spin”. The tires were placed on a wooden plank, covered with a mat. To go there to the oven, the women carried the plank with the cakes on top of their heads.