The cave of the skulls

The cave of the skulls

The Cove de les Calaveres is located on the right bank of the Girona river valley, the cavity is famous for its long history being used as a refuge by Paleolithic man more than 100,000 years ago. From these remote times to our days, there have been numerous samples of the use and passage of man through the cave. Paleolithic moments correspond to the “ossuary” of its interior with bony remains of large mammals and stone utensils for its discarding.
5,000 years ago the inner corners of the gallery sheltered neolithic burials of the inhabitants of the valley. Later and in the Ibero-Roman era, the cavity was used as a sanctuary where offerings were placed, rituals generally linked to fertility and earth worship

At the beginning of S. XVIII the cave was considered as “very large and without having found it out”, this century saw the first expeditions documented to find out its dimensions. In 1768 a group of neighbors after exploring it found inside the skeletal remains of 12 people, presumably Muslim farmers of medieval times who were trapped and died when carrying out works of water collection, the story has been written by A.J. Cavanilles (around 1795). This discovery gave name to the cave “Calaveres” and passed as a legend to popular folklore enlarging the legend of Moorish kings, fabulous treasures and princesses.

“King Ahlí Moho, sought refuge in the cave with his great treasure and the 150 women of his harem, fleeing the Cid Campeador, being trapped and perishing all.”

In 1.936 it is used as an explosives warehouse during the Civil War. The cave has been visited since the beginning of the century by holidaymakers and people of the town on dates such as Easter, in the sixties it was urbanized and open to the public as a tourist cavity.

San Vicente Ferrer

San Vicente Ferrer

It is celebrated on the Monday after Easter Monday, the traditional “Fireta i Porrat de Sant Vicent” is celebrated, a festival dedicated to the most universal saint of all Valencians, where neighbors and visitors, adults and children share and enjoy numerous performances and workshops, ending with the tradition of eating the “Mona”, a typical sweet that enjoys great prestige in the Levantine pastry.

With this festival it is about returning the spirit of the closing of the Easter celebrations in the Marina Alta, which since time immemorial has had in the Cueva de las Calaveras its stage par excellence



August 5

Benidoleig celebrates its main festivities starting on the first Thursday of August, in honor of Santa Bárbara, the Immaculate Conception and the Blessed Blood.

The religious acts take place for three days in a row, a different saint being celebrated each day. At night, the popular festivals and “els bous al carrer”, attract people from all over the Marina Alta region who have fun mingling with the villagers, holidaymakers and foreign residents.

It is in these playful celebrations that the eminently open and festive character of the Benidolejanos is also transmitted to people from other places.

Coca de sardinas

Coca de sardinas

  • Flour, 300 gr. with leaven.
  • Olive oil, 9 tablespoons.
  • Water, 1 warm glass.
  • Sardines, 12
  • Paprika, 2 tablespoons.
  • Onion, 5 teeth.
  • Parsley, abundant chopped.
  • Salt to taste.
In a bowl, mix the flour with 4 tablespoons of oil, water and a pinch of salt. Knead until the mixture is compact and let stand covered in a warm place for at least half an hour.

While we clean the sardines by removing the heads and guts and the central spine, we open them in half and reserve them. Once the dough is at its point, spread it on a floured dish, place the sardines in a fan shape and season them. Chop the garlic and parsley and spread it over the sardines, sprinkle the paprika and finish watering with the remaining oil.

We introduce it in the preheated oven at medium-low temperature about 40 minutes.