
As a good Mediterranean town, in Benidoleig, to talk about gastronomy is to talk about culture. The table in the restaurants is a nice show where traditional dishes coexist with recipes of international cuisine.

The most demanding palate and the most voracious appetite will see their desires rewarded with dishes wisely accompanied by the famous Alicante wines.

It is worth highlighting the typical Benidoleig appetizers such as meatballs, “bull amb ceba”, “els capellans torrats”, “faves bollides”, octopus in sauce, “la sangueta amb ceba” or “gamba amb bleda”.

Dishes of the sea and the garden like the cocas, which we can enjoy with sausages such as sausages, sausages or “blanquet”, without forgetting the sobrasada, reminiscent of the old Mallorcan settlers.

As an indispensable ingredient in the most typical dishes is rice, either cooked with rabbit and tomato, with beans and thistles, “al forn” (baked with sausage), or in the world-famous paella.

To these dishes it would be necessary to add others less known but equally traditional and tasty as they are the “all i pebre” with eels or the classic puchero


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